Bringing You the Best of Both Worlds

I provide coaching and counseling services to motivated individuals who want to discover their inner talents and reclaim all that life has to offer them. Because no two people are alike, all my coaching programs are customized to meet the needs and goals of each individual client.

As a counselor and a coach, I have the skill set to bring forth whatever a person may need on their particular journey at any given time. Usually it is some combination of coaching and counseling. But each person is different and it depends on who they are and where they are. I meet you where you are.

Many coaches do a great job at focusing on a client’s initial goals, but they don’t always have the training or experience to address the impact a person’s history may have on where they are currently. And many therapists, although brilliant in helping a person sort out where they have come from, often don’t focus on also guiding their client into action in the present.

So, being a hybrid of both, you might call me a “coachapist” ™ !

The truth is, I’m not a conventional coach or counselor. That’s because in my own life I have never followed convention; instead, choosing my own unique path toward happiness, fulfillment and truth. I have charted a very creative, spiritual path. At the same time, I have the professional and concrete skills necessary to powerfully coach others in creating the lives they fully desire.

I possess an extremely comprehensive training background:

  • CPCC – Certified Professional Coactive Coach since 2001 (trained and certified through the Coach’s Training Institute)
  • Seven years as a coach for the Tony Robbins coaching division
  • LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker)
  • Certified Speaking Circle Facilitator®
  • A Bachelor’s degree in music and theatre, Master’s degree in Social Work

The combination of all my training and extensive, creative life experience allows me to bring you the best of the professional, as well as the creative and spiritual worlds.

My coaching provides structure and flow, and a focus on being and doing. Always keeping my eye on deepening the learning as well as forwarding the action.

Who Do I Work With?

I have a very eclectic coaching practice – and work with people from many different walks of life. I love the variety of clients I get to coach.

I also have some specific groups I work with:

Artists – To express themselves in the world, artists and performers must have a caring, creative soul – but they must also have the skin of an alligator to deal with the often brutal business side of their world. I help creatives of all kinds–writers, actors, singers, fine artists, dancers, et al— navigate this often perilous terrain.

Spiritual Seekers – I love to work with people who are seeking a deeper understanding of the spiritual journey and their place in it. All seekers and soul searchers welcome.

Coaches in training and/or certification – Coaches are like seeds planted all around the world to transform the consciousness of our planet, one soul at a time. And I love helping to cultivate and develop these seeds so that they can spread their own wisdom, and use their full power and influence to help others.

Speakers of all levels – I help speakers overcome stage fright, find their voices in the world, and become authentic, powerful speakers.

Join me for this exciting spiritual journey. The person you’ll become will, quite simply, astonish you. I guarantee you will walk away with much greater confidence and self esteem and a more connected way of living your life.

Some of the real, life-changing results my coaching clients have experienced:

  • Increase in confidence and self esteem
  • More clarity on life direction
  • Awakening of forgotten passions
  • More balance in life
  • More confidence in speaking in front of people
  • Greater connection to the spirit within
  • Freedom from those annoying voices that sabotage your success
  • Achievement of soul centered goals
  • Stronger ability to see your true choices
  • Reduced Stress
  • Deeper connection to your purpose
  • Stronger sense of self

What people have said…

“You have brought me so far from when we first met. I’m in a place I never knew, nor would have ever found. You’re one of my guiding angels.” – Brad A., Speaker

Brad A.

“At the time I was looking for a coach, Paula had a 2 month waiting list. I had sample sessions with 2 other coaches, and they might have worked fine if I hadn’t already had a sample session with Paula that was so helpful. She ruined me for other coaches. I decided to wait until she had openings in her practice, and I am SO glad that I did. I can’t imagine using any other coach.” – J.K., Product Manager


“Every time I don’t think the coaching can get any better, we hit a new level.” – Greg B., Entrepreneur

Greg B.

“I feel incredibly supported, and for the first time have a person who is holding a standard for me that is not only high, but it totally suits me and my dreams.” – Natasha S., Singer

Natasha S.

“My coaching sessions have been tremendously helpful in terms of helping me build up my self esteem. I feel so equipped to handle so many challenging situations thanks to Paula. In addition, I have been able to better handle my emotions.” – Julia K., Teacher/Poet

Julia K.

“I am so grateful to have my coach, who is helping me to create a new positive approach to my career change and life transition.” – Sarah H., Life Coach

Sarah H.

“Coaching with Paula has given me the ability to connect with those aspects of myself: intuition, creativity, and feelings that had somehow been lost over the last 20 years of being wife and mother. I have taken away on many occasions, a will to keep up the good fight of finding me and what I am about and need.” – Tammy K., Singer/Teacher

Tammy K.

“Coaching has impacted my life is a deep way and is helping me change the priority that I give my passion and my dreams. I love how the sessions are a balance of the abstract/psychological element with the more practical/strategic.” – Lisa B., Writer

Lisa B.

“Paula has helped both my husband and me transform our careers into fulfilling experiences which gives us a deep sense of hope and happiness that we are grateful for every day.” – L.H., User Experience Manager


“Paula is a brilliant coach who has helped me clear so much energy to streamline and bring success in. She’s great at making a game plan for having a big career — and a big life. I sincerely attribute all of the forward motion to our work together. She is truly gifted.” – A.T., Writer/Actor


“Paula is almost psychic! She is very skillful in pulling the gold out of me. Things I never even knew were gifts. She understands the human condition and how to work with its challenges. She is intelligent, knows how to listen and how to motivate. I have discovered so much about myself because of her; all the things that were there and I just never saw.” – S.N.K., Actor


“As a result of my coaching with Paula, my friends say I have completely turned my life around. Paula is helping me to become the leader I want to be. My advice is to beg, steal, or borrow to work with her!” – Janice H., HR Professional

Janice H.

The probability of completing a goal:*

Hear an idea 10%
Consciously decide to adopt it 25%
Decide when you will do it 40%
Plan how you will do it 50%
Commit to someone else you will do it 65%
Have a specific accountability appointment with the person committed to 95%

*Statistics compiled from the ASTD (American Society of Training And Development)

Start creating your own unique path to life!

“You will never feel like you’re enough when you are not being yourself.”

– Tony Robbins

Get in Touch

Coaching creates the space for your true self to emerge.

If you have any questions about my process and how it’s going to help you please contact me.

I would love to hear from you!

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