“Amazing presentation! Truly a Life Skills Class. My entire department could greatly benefit from this presentation.”
“Thank you, this was a fantastic refresher for me.”
“She was a fabulous, dynamic speaker. She encouraged audience participation, had a willingness to listen and allow discussion, and gave real-life examples. Fun to listen to.”
“This could be an all day event! Not enough time…POWER PACKED!”
“Instructor did a good job presenting in an enthusiastic, interesting manner.”
“Very good trainer! Been to many classes—she was more interesting—i.e. tone of voice, stories, mix of fact and examples.”
“Paula is an excellent trainer. Her sense of humor and sharing of personal experiences made her training “come alive”.”
“Paula gave a spectacular presentation on “fear of public speaking” which had us all nodding, agreeing, learning…in short enthralled.”
“You have brought me so far from when we first met. I’m in a place I never knew, nor would have ever found. You’re one of my guiding angels.” – Brad A., Speaker
“Coaching has impacted my life is a deep way and is helping me change the priority that I give my passion and my dreams. I love how the sessions are a balance of the abstract/psychological element with the more practical/strategic.” – Lisa B., Writer
“I feel incredibly supported, and for the first time have a person who is holding a standard for me that is not only high, but it totally suits me and my dreams.” – Natasha S., Singer
“I am so grateful to have my coach, who is helping me to create a new positive approach to my career change and life transition.” – Sarah H., Life Coach
“I attended the Lunch & Learn today, and I just wanted to say Thank you. It was as if you were talking directly to me, and I was actually crying.”
“This was by far the best training class out of all the in-service classes over the last two days; specifically because of the instructor. She made me want to change”
“Very, very interesting. New insight on ways to approach subjects and problems.”
“I immediately used the information taught at our Department Head and actually had managers writing down my words.”
“This was a great ‘lift you up’ and put you back on the right track presentation. Loved every moment.”
“Would love to hear her speak again.”
“One of the best trainings in which I’ve participated.”
“This was excellent. One of the Best trainings I have had in a long time.”